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DNS zones vs domains

15 years 8 months ago #30559 by KiLLaBeE
Replied by KiLLaBeE on topic Re: DNS zones vs domains
I can see that they are different on the backend. I suppose from the front end (i.e.: web browser), the difference is not observable.

Thanks for the clarification.
15 years 6 months ago #31158 by sose
Replied by sose on topic Re: DNS zones vs domains
A zone is a contigious part of a DNS namespace, the usage of a zone makes the administration of DNS easy becos different people can administer different zone

Types of zone

primay: contains master copy of a zone's database
secondary: contains a copy of the master copy
stub:special entries

flexibilty of technology makes it possible to have multiple zones within a domain as well as multiple domains within a zone . note: only contigious domains can group under a zones. therefore when it comes to DNS administration , greater flexibility is achieved with the creation of different zone than with creations of subdomains under a zone, becos a zone with multiple subdomain always have a root domain for the zone that contains the master database file . the zone's database file is stored on a name server . one name server can store for a single zone or multiple zones . Also a sinlgle zone can have multiple name servers resolving , in this case only one will have the primary zone database and others will be backup

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