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People being cheated into registering on this website!

18 years 5 months ago #16712 by DaLight
What! All this time and it's all been a fraud!
18 years 5 months ago #16735 by monsky
i've been a member since 2003, and keep on visiting this site, hak hak hak.. i saw no scam.. i saw no scam... ngek ngek ngek...ngek :lol:
18 years 5 months ago #16749 by TheBishop
I wonder if this is an assumption that the Cisco Labs will never materialise and are just a device to con people onto the site. If so, let me clear this up now; the Cisco Labs are for real and they are definitely coming. The delay is due to the fact that Chris and his core team are producing them free of charge, out of their own pocket and in their own time as well as doing everything else thay have to do including keeping food on their table. Have patience people!! It's not evey day you get something for nothing.
18 years 5 months ago #16752 by Smurf
Why dont they just charge people to use the labs ? A small nominal fee ? Say a few quid per hour or something. Lets face it, its still a good deal.

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
18 years 5 months ago #16758 by TheBishop
I'll let Chris answer that as this is his baby but the philosophy of has always been to provide resources for the benefit of the community
18 years 5 months ago #16759 by Smurf
I agree that it would be good to have it free to everyone. You may however get into a situation where people just book time and don't bother, book loads of time stopping others from accessing it.

Its already been pointed out with the size of this forum you could get into issues with it.

I personally wouldn't be bothered at paying $5 for access to a lab to get real hands on experience with the kit, i think its a nominal fee to pay to help pay the upkeep of the Lab and the sites. Also, the money could be used to create a further lab and to maintain the kit ?

Just my thoughts :)

Wayne Murphy Team Member

Now working for a Security Company called Sec-1 Ltd in the UK, for any
Penetration Testing work visit or PM me for details.
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