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Designing a personal study guide for Security Knowledge

19 years 3 months ago #6937 by gl0bal
I'm trying to create a study guide to build up my IT security knowledge - intially my plan is to build up IT security for a Windows domain (I reckon its one of the bigger targets).

The thing that I am finding with the IT Security field is its vast!

The idea is to develop some basic skills first that will be applicable as a foundation for future training. To give you an idea this is the initial study plan I have developed.

The premise is to develop a basic defensive understanding first, then understand attacks and using this knowledge build a more comprehensive defensive understanding.

Any suggestions or feedback very welcomed....

Server & Workstation security

1. Windows scripting (wscript and basic vbscript) - Allows you to write scripts to interogate machines for info, run scripted installs or patching etc
2. Patch Management - OS, applications
3. AV - Not sure how much knowledge is required here apart form how to configure and manage the AV products... any suggestions?
4. OS hardening (Server and Client) - Patch, disable unneeded sevices, port blocking and filtering (IPsec perhaps), security templates enforced by AD or scripts.
5. Building a secure Win OS - Integrated patches with core OS, security settings enabled
6. LAN Password cracking - LOpht, PWDUMP, kerbsniff/kerbcrack

Network Security
2.. Router connection and filters - ACL, limit remote ocnnection, DOS protection
3. Cisco - Network Access Control
4. Firewall - PIX, ISA, checkpoint, squid
5. IDS/IPS -snort, ethereal
6. Penetration testing - Nmap, netcat
19 years 3 months ago #6939 by MezzUp
Cool study guide, I might use it myself :P

But I just wanted to point out's free Security+ "e-book"
19 years 3 months ago #6966 by gl0bal
Had a look at but couldn't find the security+ ebook although ffound other CompTIA ebooks. Could you post the url to the ebook?

I also found the following urls that provide some info on professional development and job skill and knowledge requirements

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