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IpCop-QoS problem-/l7-protocols/ is missing

18 years 4 months ago #14731 by stanyo
Hi all. I have IpCop and xampp runing on one old pc. From a few days i have strange problem. The folder /l7-protocols/ just disappear-

"scandir: No such file or directory
iptables v1.2.11: Couldn't open /etc/l7-protocols/protocols"

Yesterday i copy /l7-protocols/ from my pc to IpCop and today
is missing again. Is any chance to be some conflict with xampp, or
someone is know my password for IpCop ?
18 years 4 months ago #14736 by DaLight
Installing any additional software onto your IPCOP could potentially introduce vulnerabilities. I'm not saying that your box has definitely been compromised, but with the sheer number of applications contained in Xampp, it's a possibility. There is of course the possibility that one of the applications in Xampp is causing the problem.
18 years 4 months ago #14738 by stanyo
Thanks DaLight !
18 years 3 months ago #14962 by stanyo
After new install of IpCop is the same...
18 years 3 months ago #14967 by DaLight
Does this problem occur straight after installing IPCOP and Xampp and before any other changes are made to the IPCOP config.
18 years 3 months ago #14981 by stanyo
It starts after installing IPCOP and Xampp...but i'm not 100% sure.
Now i have installed only IpCop,QoS,iptraf and iftop.
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