PIX Source Code On Sale
A group describing itself as the Source Code Club (SCC) has offered to sell source code for Cisco's Pix proprietary security firewall software to any taker for US$24,000.
In a note posted on a Usenet newsgroup, the group also said that it would also make available other, unnamed source code to those who paid.
In a note posted to the alt.gaps.international.sales newsgroup, the Source Code Club wrote, "SCC is proud to announce the general availability of Cisco Pix 6.3.1 source code. This release is significant because pix is vital to the security of many ultra secure networks."
The group is selling Version 6.3.1 of the firewall. A newer version, 6.3.4, was released by Cisco in July, and is not being sold by the group.
Source: http://www.itnews.com.au/dlinkstorycontent.asp?ID=1&Art_ID=22347
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