Welcomes a New Team Member - Arani Mukherjee is happy to welcome its new team member - Arani Mukherjee. Arani first joined on the 19th of May 2005 as a typical community member and has since actively participated on our website forums, helping engineers and IT administrators around the globe. In the recent years, Arani's effort was recognized and was appointed a site Forum Moderator.
Since then, Arani has continued his participation in our forums, but also expressed his interested in writing for, producing unique articles that have managed to capture a lot of attention. His background education and skills has helped him deliver outstanding results, impressing Cisco Press, VmWare Press, and of course all the team.
Recent articles and book reviews include:
- Understanding the Need for IPv6 - How IPv6 Overcomes IPv4 Limitations
- IPv6 - Analysing the IPv6 Protocol Structure and IPv6 Header
- IPv6 Subnetting - How and Why to Subnet IPv6
- Book Review: Your CCIE Lab Success Strategy: The Non-Technical Guidebook
- Book Review: Automating vSphere with VMware vCentre Orchestrator
- Book Review: CCNP Security FIREWALL 642-618 Official Cert Guide
- Book Review: CCNP Security VPN 642-648 Official Cert Guide
You can read more on Arani by visiting our Meet The Team page.
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