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How 'Green' is your network?

17 years 3 months ago #19700 by TheBishop
17 years 3 months ago #19709 by Starfire
How about coin boxes on the side of the PC for Emissions tax?

If you want to do extensive bandwidth usage like log in, send an email, open up a file on the network or god forbid the user is a facist energy guzzling whore and want to do video conferencing then they put money in the coin op box like the old electricity meters and you get the extra bandwidth for a specified amount of time.

What complete sociological nonesense!

There are far bigger emission targets than your fly lead in the world that need tackling first. IT is driven by the need for more and more resources at an ever faster speed. As soon as you reach a certain technical capability, the demand for that resource soon overtakes supply and then the drive carries on.

What a way to shoot the technological revolution in the foot all because someone has figured out how to do some maths on the energy used in a network.

Makes me cross...
17 years 3 months ago #19710 by TheBishop
Yeah. Must admit that while we definitely need to do something about the planet, some of the so-called Green initiatives leave me baffled. For example, perhaps we could reduce the time it takes Windows to boot - think of the vast quantities of electricity consumed by monitors the world over during those wasted seconds staring at the splash screen...
17 years 3 months ago #19711 by DaLight
I must admit I was taken aback by the figures although you wonder how many Gigabit cards in non-gateway/backbone devices are working flat out for any significant amount of time.

I'm not a raving tree-hugger or anything of the sort, but I was still taken aback by a stat I heard at the weekend that if everyone (in the UK) switched to energy-saving bulbs, up to three power stations could be mothballed. Now I don't know what the resulting environmental consequences in the huge increase in the manufacturing volumes of energy-saving bulbs, but it does make you think ...
17 years 3 months ago #19713 by ZiPPy
I'll tell you what guys, those server rooms, I mean the real ones with dozens of servers and switches, thats where some serious consumption goes on.
You know DaLight I think thats a good idea(that is if manufacturing them isn't an environmental issue) and its amazing how much energy it would save from changing to energy saving bulbs. But I think they need to take a look in the server rooms. Is it really necessary to run all those overhead lights 24/7? I am sure they can setup a switching mechanism to turn on only the lights needed at one particular rack. Then you could run these energy-saving bulbs overhead as track lights so the room won't be pitch black. Since we can't turn off the servers/switches and what not, we can certainly control the lights.

Believe me, the servers aren't afraid of the dark! Admins, your on your own! :lol:



17 years 3 months ago #19715 by TheBishop
We have those lights Zippy, and they're a pain! Just the other week I was alone in one of our buildings, after dark, sitting with my laptop on my knee in front of a comms rack. And after 10 minutes of engrossing work - SUDDEN DARKNESS! And the only way to get the lights back on is to put everything down, stand up and do a dance. Fair enough on the energy savings, but I wish they'd provide an over-ride. They have them in the toilets too which is even worse (leaving that to your imagination)
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