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CCNA 2 Semester Final Exam (V 3.0)

20 years 1 month ago #3162 by ankit117
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.... Blah Blah... Blah Blah

1) When did I ever say I do not plan on studying for the final? I am doing this certification for my work and if I don't learn from it, how the heck will I be able to survive? I merely want to get a better mark on the final... not just cheat to pass.

2) For all the people that were wondering why someone would post the answers to the exam and lower the value of their own certification.... Check out this post . Someone was looking for the Semester 3 Final exam and ohhh guess what? They got it! Wonder what that guy was smokin'...

3) I am thankful of those people that care about my well being over the internet. Being a power internet user myself, I understand the risks of posting my email address online. Which is why I use a fake identity on the internet.

I really do respect all of yours inputs but that's not what I was looking for here.

20 years 1 month ago #3163 by sahirh
Its no fun when someone comes here for help and ends up feeling like they didnt get it so...

*steps into moderator mode*

Since you already have already learned the material, let me give you my opinion -- the dumps will not be of any help to you.. most of the Cisco veterans will tell you that. Chris and I recertified just at the end of last year, and I think both of us feel that dumps wouldn't have helped out at all. Some plain old practice is enough to get 900+.

Anyway, I'll try and be more constructive here than I was in my last post...
Visit and do the practice tests and ALL the labs they have on the site.. if you've got those down, I am willing to bet that you will do fine on the exam.

Don't take what anyone said harshly, nobody was flaming, they just wanted to make sure you didn't end up studying for it the wrong way.. plus as mew rightly said, you should be careful where you ask for the dumps, you could have a certification revoked. it has happened before on sites more famous for dumps.

Is this your first time round at the cert ? if so then take this advice -- its good :

1. Study the material we have up here
2. Use a book like Lammles study guide
3. Do all the practice stuff from celticrover
4. Practice subnetting not just till you get it right, but till you are fast at it.
5. Ask any doubts you have here, they will be answered I guarantee.
6. Make sure you have hands-on experience.. if you've never seen a router, you'll be worse off.. if nothing else get a router simulator.
7. Come back and post your 900+ score here and make us feel stupid :)

Good luck mate

Now that everyones placated, I can get back to making olive jokes...

Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
20 years 1 month ago #3169 by mew
ankik I see your point about the CCNA 3 test. I also was glad to see your response to justifiable criticism of your question. Good advice from sahirh. I would not put too much faith in the CCNA 3 dump. Cisco is always updating their test because of these kind of things.
20 years 1 month ago #3173 by sahirh
Everyone should realise that cisco recommends this site as a resource for their certifications:

Thats something we're particularly proud of and frankly there are enough sites that cater to trading question dumps etc. This is not one.

Speaking of the question dump that has been posted here.. you'd be well advised to know that mew looked over it, and its really not accurate at all.. you'd be wasting your time on it IMHO.. half an hour at would be far more useful than looking at those questions, plus you'll get answers, explanations, and learn tips and tricks.

Sahir Hidayatullah. Staff - Associate Editor & Security Advisor
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