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Freeware Security & Free Trials

This category contains popular freeware and free trial security applications to help every network engineer, IT administrator and IT Manager, keep their network safe.


ManageEngine Automatic Patch Manager Plus
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Patch Manager Plus, our all-around patching solution, offers automated patch deployment for Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints, plus patching support for 300+ third-party applications. It's available both on-premises and ..

3CDaemon FTP-TFTP Server & Client
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3CDaemon is a very popular and useful application. It contains a FTP, TFTP, Syslog server and an easy to use TFTP client. Its simple but intuitive interface allows you to switch ..

FreeSSHd - SSH - SFTP - Telnet Server FEATURED
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freeSSHd is a versatile freeware software offering a comprehensive suite of server functionalities, including SSH, Telnet, and SFTP server support. With capabilities for both password and public key authentication, ..